Demonstration: New Functions in Firewall-On-Demand (FoD)
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Today, the importance of DDoS mitigation is rising more and more, also in research and education environments. With Firewall-On-Demand (FoD) run as a productive service
NREN NoC operators today have already the possibility to mitigate DDoS attacks regarding IP traffic towards their own networks without interaction of GEANT NoC operators in a fast, flexible, and independent manner. Here, the new functions of FoD having been developed in GN4-2 up-to-now and are expected to be released soon, will be demonstrated: easier specification of port ranges in mitigation rules, feedback statistic graphs per rule, REST API for controlling mitigation rules. Moreover, new upcoming FoD functions, which are currently under development and testing, will combine detection and mitigation starting from
GEANT NSHaRP (Network Security Handling and Response Process) DDoS events will be shown.