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Speaker details

PSNC - Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (Poland)

Bartlomiej Idzikowski

Bartlomiej Idzikowski graduated from Poznan University of Technology in 2003 (Computing
Science - Computer Networks and Distributed Systems) and has become PSNC employee (Network
Department). His research interests focus on video- and web-conferencing, high resolution video systems (4K, 8K), web-based applications, streaming technologies,
network management and traffic monitoring.
Bartlomiej's professional background is asserted by long-term cooperation within different
European projects (GN2 - GN4. 6NET, Porta Optica Study, Phosporus, VISIONAIR), as
well as national ones (Platon, Future Internet Engineering, Future ICT).
Bartlomiej took actively part in preparations of many workshops, conferences and presentations,
therein many VC-based events.
Currently TL for WebRTC task and technical coordinator for TNC.

Bartlomiej Idzikowski is chairing the following sessions:

Bartlomiej Idzikowski is a speaker in the following presentations:
